Ten years ago, Beanpole and I packed all of our worldly possessions, which fitted comfortably in our Honda Civic, and drove to Las Vegas, Nevada. We had neither family nor jobs in Las Vegas. But we both dreamt of owning a home with a yard where we would raise a Golden Retriever who we were going to name P-.
We are back in the bay area and it’s time to start looking for a new place to live.

Swing Set
We both want to live in a safe neighborhood with a nice playground where our son can play on the swings. Check.

Walking Path
We also wanted to live in a place that had double tree-lined walking paths so we could walk Ickey and Michelle. The walkway also has to be wide enough so if Michelle have mobility issues in the future, we can use our wagon. Check.

View of the Lake
After living in the desert for so long, we wanted to find a place with some water. It’s not a necessity but it’s a big plus.

Ickey and Michelle Posing by the Bridge
Unfortunately, Beanpole and I both realized why we left ten years ago. Housing is super expensive. Thankfully, the last ten years have been pretty good to us. Hopefully we can afford something in this area.
Wish us luck.